Friday 12 January 2024

40K Tyranid Biovore/ Pyrovore, and Spore Mines

I've painted my first Biovore. These are tyranid 'living artillery'; a beastie with a symbiotic weapon on it that spits out spore mines. I really like spore mines- languidly floating exploding jellyfish thingies.

Biovore and spore mines

I never liked, however, the original 1995 biovore.

Photo from Mr_Pink's excellent Modern Synthesist.

The new sculpt is more than an upscale and aesthetic improvement- it also has a detachable tail so it can be fielded as an acid-spitting Pyrovore. Or the tail can be removed for a xeno-arachnid look.




Pyrovore- note different gun and tail.

Sans both gun and tail.

Despite not having a biovore before, I have acquired a few spore mines. The new ones are much taller.

New (2023) spore mines

Old (2004) spore mines
Spore mines

I'm mulling over using Five Parsecs: Bug Hunt to represent a PDF unit mopping up a spore mine infestation etc.


  1. I agree, the new model is imposing, but your paintjob brings it to life, what a fantastic job!!

  2. The original biovore was definitely a dog. I remember having a few b/c the spore mines were really cool.

    1. Yeah, I'm building up a small armada of them.
