Friday 10 May 2024

Pinkstone no more

I had one of those moments where the painting muse took me, and I decided to repaint my Slaanesh-worshipping forces. The pink, while distinctive, never really satisfied me and it was a pain to paint. They had been known as Pinkstone Fortress- no more! They have been tempted by the offers of Huron Blackheart and his Red Corsairs...

I started with the Beastmen as a test- I simply painted over all the pink with red, painted the rags a dirty sand, and rusted everything up. It was pretty quick with a lot of the hard work done earlier.

I was pretty happy, and launched into the traitor guard, enforcer, and ogryn.
Traitor guard squad.
Traitor guard melee
Traitor guard lasguns
Traitor guard grenadiers
Traitor guard gunners with flamers
I converted the leaders to have different weapons.
Traitor guard chieftain with bolt pistol and chainsword
Traitor guard chieftain with plasma pistol and improvised blade.
I used some decals from Forgotten Chapters to finish off the enforcer.
Traitor enforcer.
I darkened the ogryn's claw.
Traitor ogryn.

Much happier with their new allegiance and appearance. I've still got a few more figures to go- not least the marines- and some new chaotic acquisitions.


  1. I agree with you the repaint is much better.

    1. Thanks, Phil- I'm a bit sad that the pink didn't work out, but at least I've got a nice looking force now.

  2. Suitably horrid, great repaint. Red does the job better when looking at the older units.

    1. I really wanted a hot, fluoro pink to avoid the cliche of red- but the red looks pretty good!

  3. Oh, wow. Though the pink scheme was really distinctive and personal, this one looks much more scarier and fierce. I think you did a pretty nice job!

    1. It was distinctive and personal, but it was a real pain to paint and didn't quite come across how I wanted.
