Friday, 21 March 2025

40K Tyranids: Smaller beasts

I've painted a few more tyranids recently, to add to the swarm:

Neurogaunts are weaker creatures that act as synaptic signal relays for the hive mind. Wifi boosters, if you will. I've also heard them called bluetooth piranhas, and space chickens. They have smaller creatures on their backs, guiding them. The brood leader is a Nodebeast, and is a little bigger and fancier.


Neurogaunt Nodebeast

I painted more termagants.

I painted some genestealers. I don't like these sculpts- they have a lot of soft detail and don't comfortably gel with the main Tyranid aesthetic notes.

I painted more spore mines. Love my mines.


  1. They look fantastic, I really like them. It is true that there's something about Genestealers that doesn't totally fit into the whole Tyranid aesthetics, but I believe it was a conscious decision to make them look different, given that they are more like their heralds, not their warriors, and they are not really thought to fight along their masters.
    I digress, your paintjob is great and they look totally ace!!
