Friday, 29 December 2017

Imperial Assault- Maul

Maul- formerly Darth Maul- is back from being cruelly bisected by Obi-Wan. Through powerful fan armour he has recovered and been grafted cybernetic legs. In Rebels, Maul disguises himself as an enfeebled shell of his former self.

I painted him off a red undercoat. I carefully did his skin markings in black. The first photo is untouched- it came out slightly overexposed giving a great effect to his signature dual-blades lightsaber. It is actually more pink, as can be seen in the other shots.

Overall, I’m happy with how he came out.


  1. You have done the red and black very well indeed. To my eyes the only thing that distracts is the `floppy' lightsabre. Is there room to replace the offending material with a length of brass rod?
    A floppy sabre, come to us all in time ;-)

    1. It’s not _too_ floppy! I briefly considered it, but put it in the too-hard basket due to the difficulties of lining it up straight with the handle.

  2. Very cool, you've done good work on that skin.

  3. Brilliant brushwork! Honestly, that first photo it really looks like the lightsaber is glowing! Amazing!

    1. It’s an accident of photography, but it does look cool! Thank you!

  4. Very nicely done, love the mix of red and black!

    1. Thanks, Phil, I’m merely copying someone else’s character design!

  5. I am so glad you posted this, Barks. I have this model sitting on my painting table and I have had a real lack of enthusiasm for painting him. Unpainted, he seems like a badly sculpted model in an awkward pose. But looking at your splendid version makes me realize that there's a lot you can do with him. Well done!

    1. I’m not a huge fan of the thing he’s holding in his left hand, but I think it’s a great little figure. I look forward to your stuff from this wave!
