Friday, 9 February 2018

Mansions of Madness: Streets of Arkham

I've painted up the figures from the latest Mansions of Madness expansion, Streets of Arkham. The quality of the sculpts has greatly improved compared to the first edition.

First, the investigators. Tommy Muldoon is the rookie cop. He's got something of a young Peter O'Toole going on in his cheekbones.
Tommy Muldoon
Finn Edwards is a bootlegger. His face is great, but didn't photograph well. I tried to paint him carrying a bottle of illicit whisky, which was tricky.
Finn Edwards

Diana Stanley is the former cultist with a heart of gold. Her face is a little featureless, unfortunately. I gave her green details, as most of my Cthulhu stuff has green in it. I quite like how the candle flame and wax look.

Diana Stanley
Marie Lambeau is a jazz singer who learnt about monsters and spells from her grand-mère in the bayou. A lovely sculpted face.
Marie Lambeau

Not all the foes they face are supernatural: the hired guns with their derby hats became some clichéd Irish hitmen under my brush. I enjoyed layering their trenchcoats.

The skeletons are suitably 19th century with their watch chains and waistcoats.

My favourites are the Star Vampires. These are invisible creatures which can be heard faintly tittering, and become visible by being filled up with their victims' blood. They're a chaotic mess of teeth and tentacles- perfect. I based them on 60mm bases.
Star Vampires

Finally, the Lloigor. It is some sort of invisible reptile thing, and I'm not really fond of the sculpt- it is a monster designed by a gaggle of schoolkids. It's got two legs, four arms with claws, four arms with pincers, eight eyes, a pincer on the tail, armour on the back of its neck, floppy looking spines- it really reminds me of the Black Beast of Arrgh! I persevered with multiple thin layers of grey, and am satisfied with the outcome. It's big- I based it on an 80mm mini-disc.



  1. Really nice work; all the characters look great, very nicely painted, and the model of the Lloigor is really interesting and cool. :)

  2. Wow, what a great selection. I have the minis but have not gotten to painting them yet. Great color choices.

    1. Thank you! There’s nothing too left-field in the colours.

  3. It's a great job!!!
    You are catching the true personality of each character, sure.
    Congratulations and Regards

  4. The Lloigor is pretty weird... but yeah it does look like a committee was involved in its design :P

    Great work here, each figure really has its own personality and mood. The elegant grays on the singer, the bootlegger's slightly rumpled appearance, etc.

    1. Thanks, Allison! It is nice to paint these little characters.

  5. Great job. Gotta love the cops pose though love the hand in the pocket such a nice casual pose.

  6. Barks - your paintjobs make me really reconsider these miniatures. I love the game, but always sort of dismissed the character miniatures. But your work (especially Tommy Muldoon) makes me think that I'm too hasty and these can be great looking models if you just treat them right.

    1. The second edition sculpts are streets ahead of the first edition stuff. Plus you get all the lovely tiles...

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Matt! I got a game of this in recently; Diana went insane...
