Monday, 28 January 2019

CanCon 2019

I made the trip to CanCon this year. Due to circumstances over which I have no self-control, I missed out on a seat at the Blood Bowl tournament so instead spent time perusing the trade stands and catching up with friends. It was stinking hot...

We had the 2019 Bloggers and Challengers' Catch-up, and it was great to see old mates and put faces to cyber-acquaintances.

I only took a few photos- the highlight for me was some gorgeous jungle terrain being used for some Two Fat Lardies games. I haven't seen anything so realistic.

Hong Kong, December 1941

Epic 40K

English Civil War using 'Twilight of the Divine Right' in 6mm

Part of one of the halls

Here's my loot- I got some cheap stuff at the bring & buy (brand new 40K 8th edition, it was only $40, they made me buy it) and a bit of MDF, and some hobby supplies.


  1. Ha only 47 degrees 🤪...
    Nice haul of goodies, I must make the effort to get to Cancon one year...

  2. Oh man that jungle table looks amazing!

  3. 47º :O
    Apart from that, all the pics look fantastic!

  4. WOW! That is detailed Jungle terrain. Looks like it was an excellent place for a wargame hoobyists. Great stuff and thanks for sharing some photos.

  5. Fantastic as always to catch up mate. Thanks for arranging the 4th Annual Aussie bloggers meet up!

    Those scratch built CoC jungle tables were just unbelievable

    1. Thanks for promoting it and press-ganging everyone! We'll all have to catch up for a longer yarn next time.

      Some say they were made from Millsy's camo shorts...

  6. GUTTED that I missed it. The are SO many of you there unlike last year. I hope the beer was cold!

  7. That jungle looks like a staggering amount of work to put together! And it's hard to replicate such a dense environment and still allow room to "play". But this seems to work. Thanks for posting!

    1. I'd love to play on it. I don't know how it was done.

  8. Just stumbled onto your blog, nice pics and glad you were impressed with the jungle terrain, it was a challenge to create playable jungle terrain.
    cheers John

    1. Spectacular work, Mr Bond! It looks amazing and the effort paid off.
