Monday, 20 August 2012

15mm Blaze Away characters

These six 15mm figures are from Blaze Away miniatures.

I've painted the figure on the far left as a Marcinko-esque PMC leader. The next two I'll be using as Ardistani National Police.
Richard Marcinko
Afghan National Police

The guy in shorts is some sort of Aussie/ Kiwi/ South African contractor, and the man in black is a ringer for the bad guy in 'Black Hawk Down'.  On the right, an officer for my Ardistani National Army.
Mo'alim (Black Hawk Down)
The figures are a good match for Peter Pig.


  1. These are cool, remind me of Jagged alliance...

    1. Thanks Mister H; I hadn't heard of Jagged Alliance before.

    2. You have no idea what you´re missing.
      While you´re at it: Once you´ve gotten into it, try JA2 1.13 - this mod will blow your mind!
