Titanium Dropship 15mm Science Fiction painting competition has a Squad
category for 4-12 figures, which I entered with
Eureka Miniature's Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers. I've got a few more of this range painted, and here they are:
WeltraumKommandoSoldaten with BolzenGewehr 40 |
Leutnant and Funker |
Gunner with MBG40 |
88mm PanzerSchlag. |
Scharfschütze and spotter |
The gimballed sMBG40 |
Federation scientists think it's a sonic terror weapon... |
...and you clearly need two big balls to use it. |
I thought an 'Afrika Korps... In Space!' theme would be fun for these pulp villains. The main colours were Vallejo 70859 Green Brown and 70924 Russian Uniform. I liked doing the paint chipping on the armour, but I wince seeing the drybrushing in close-up.
I've called them the WeltraumKommandoSoldaten, using my pidgin German and Google Translate. Any better names, acronyms etc. gladly accepted, especially if they're punny!
I've got more ideas for these guys including some
anti-grav vehicle conversions (LuftPanzers) and a fighter-bomber. The AFVs may take me a while. I also have plans for some HQ and supporting