No-one would have believed, in the first years of the 2010s, that this blog would still be puttering on. And yet, here we are. Today is my tenth bloggiversary. I shall review the past year, peer into the next, and briefly review my decade.
The tenth year
If 2020 was my fantasy year, then 2021 has been science fiction.
I have succumbed to the grimdark, with initial impetus from Stargrave but really propelled by Five Parsecs from Home 3rd edition. Neither Killteam nor Necromunda rules have held my interest, but the nostalgic grip the setting has on me is considerable.
The crew of the Innominate. What adventures await? |
I got a resin 3D printer (Anycubic Photon S) late last year. It is far from plug'n'play, but the potential is enormous. I'm not sure if it is best for unique characters and one-off models, or massive savings in printing out hordes- probably a bit of both. The ability to print a figure at whim is quite intoxicating.
My first 3D prints |
The other almost game-changers are Contrast paints. I wouldn't use them for a competition entry, but for quick results they are very impressive. I'm relieved to hear Army Painter is coming up with a near-equivalent range, and will try to get this paint set en masse.
Descent heroes, with a lot of help from Contrast |
Ten years in review
Looking back at my first post, my intent was threefold:
- Keep track of my hobby progress, whether that is gaming, painting or modelling
- Allow me to occasionally offer my thoughts on an aspect of gaming
I think I have stayed admirably close to those goals. I have maintained a discipline of aiming for a weekly post. This has been achievable and has not placed me under undue hobby-stress. I have eschewed the bright lights of Twitter and Instagram, for better or worse. I have gone through phases and infatuations like so many of us do. I have many neglected projects, and my lead mountain is no smaller. I tend to avoid work-in-progress posts, as I know I may not finish them in a hurry... There have been some signature staples as well as completed projects of which I am proud- here are some very concise hits and memories:
War of the Ring |
On the slopes of Mount Doom |
Théoden King rides out |
The Wild 'Flings |
The Dunwich Hoppers |
"Don't throw those bloody spears at me!" |
Batman and his ride |
Batman and so many friends... |
Blood Angel terminators for Space Hulk |
The Guiding Hands genestealer cult |
15mm Mephisto and friend |
Realm of Battle boards |
Ice zombies |
Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed. |
Han shot first |
"Painted lightsabers? This is folly, Darth." |
I have found the impressive joys of modern boardgames, and been lucky to get into good boardgaming friend groups. There is a lot that boardgames can teach the traditional miniature wargamer.
The upcoming year
In the near future, I am looking forward to the Analogue Challenge XII as a spur to my painting efforts. I'm hoping to go to post-pandemic CanCon 2022. I intend to continue my Five Parsecs saga, and fire up the printers for scenery and figures. I have a special WW1 project I'm keen to reveal here soon. More of the same!
AHPC XI output |
My AHPC XI journey |
Happy hobbying!