Holy painted miniatures, Batman!
Yes, Robin, it was a simple matter of working steadily towards a goal.
Batman: Gotham City Chronicles |
Whew! You are no doubt relieved to hear that I'm Bat-done with this Bat-project, from Arkham to Zsasz.
I began in late May, so that is over three months of fairly steady painting. It was an achievable goal because it was finite, and I had a year in which to mentally prepare myself before a huge carton arrived. It was mostly interesting painting as well, with bright colours and nothing too complex. (Except for masks- I thought they'd make painting faces easier, but that is not necessarily true!) I had a deadline- which always helps- of
the games we played a few weeks back. Towards the end, a lot of the figures were a basecoat and wash, without necessarily a highlight.
Heroes |
Villains |
I did enjoy the research as well, immersing myself in bat-lore and trying to find the drawings the sculpts were based on. It was one way to celebrate Batman's 80th! If you were only ever going to read one Batman, I'd recommend Hush. Lovely artwork, decent story, and every Bat-villain under the sun.
I have pre-ordered/ crowdfunded a few more Batman miniatures- not as many- and they'll arrive mid-2020, same Bat-Blog!
Indulge me in my wish-list for figures that I'd like which have not been made:
- Other Batgirls- Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Batgirl of Burnside
- Carrie Kelly/ Robin
- Ace the Bathound
- Slam Bradley
I'd love to see more of the comical/ kooky villains because the game can be a hilarious romp:
- Kiteman (Hell yeah!)
- Condiment King
- Egghead
- Crazy Quilt
It comes with a decent selection of thugs and muggers, but I'd like to see some classier cannon fodder such as smartly-dressed gangsters and mercenary contractors. And some Rocket Penguins. And Dollotrons. And maybe some dedicated evil hackers. And a Bat-Signal!
Time for me to relax, revert to 28 and 15mm, settle back into once a week posting, and read something other than Batman.
Thanks for following this journey!
Detective Comics #1000 (2019) |
Batman will return to WwB in 2020.
PS After taking the Heroes and Villains shots above, I realised I'd left a few characters out- full marks if you work out who!