Saturday, 8 June 2013

I'm going slightly mad

I haven't got much painting in recently; instead, I've been gaming. I dusted off Mansions of Madness, and have played three of the new scenarios from the Call of the Wild expansion. (See my miniatures here and here). The Dwarven One took the pictures. There are no pics of the first one, but suffice to say the Dunwich Horror was nigh unstoppable. In the second game, the investigators had to deduce the murderer's identity before he (or she) struck again. Here's Amanda Sharpe, who had no luck in the game whatsoever, facing a cameo appearance from the Dunwich Horror. I'm pretty sure that shortly after this she fired, missed, dropped the gun, turned to run, tripped, and died, handing the game to the forces of unspeakable darkness.

We played the survival scenario, which has an automated keeper. Things got nastier and nastier. Here's Jenny Barnes surrounded by a Child of the Goat, two cultists, and a witch. Jenny gunned down a cultist and ran but the witch stunned her and the other cultist killed her by the

Monterey Jack tried to hide in the water mill, but the monsters caught him and a Mi-Go put his brain in a jar. As Diamond Joe, I went swiftly mad well before that, and ran around the place setting everything on fire. Then I burnt to death.

It was awesome!


  1. Playing games and having fun is what it's really all about. Glad to see you getting some gaming in!

  2. Looks cool, I really like the figures. I've only played Arkham Horror and Elder Sign.

  3. Greetings, Mr. Barks. That little boy inside of us grown-ups needs a game or two on a regular basis. Well done, Sir.

  4. This is certainly a game I'd like to try my hand at...

  5. "I went swiftly mad well before that, and ran around the place setting everything on fire. Then I burnt to death."

    Hahaha. Too funny.
