Friday, 16 September 2016

Mansions of Madness investigators

I was pleasantly surprised when FFG announced a new edition of Mansions of Madness at the end of July. I played the first edition a few times, and pictures can be found here and here.  
The new edition is an undeniable improvement and comes with eight investigators.
Wendy Adams, urchin
Agatha Crane, paranormal investigator
Carson Sinclair, butler
Preston Fairmont, millionaire
Minh Thi Phan, secretary
Father Mateo.jpg
Father Mateo, priest
Rita Young.jpg
Rita Young, athlete
William Yorick.jpg
William Yorick, gravedigger 
The new edition can be used with first edition map pieces and investigators. Here is my entire collection of investigators!
MoM Investigators.jpg
Mansions of Madness investigators
Next time: the monsters!


  1. Some exceptional figs there, Barks, very well done!

    1. Thanks, Evan! They were just a quick job but it is nice to paint individuals rather than a squad of identical troops!

    2. These are great. I'm saving these pictures for references. Only thing I would change is for the ghost I think I was blue over green.

    3. Thanks, Blake! I think blue would look great- I went green because all my Lovecraft monster stuff has a green motif.

  2. Top class painting, & a very impressive collection of investigators!

    1. Thanks, PC! I'm having difficulties with Blogger and will put up a bigger pic when I'm on my regular computer in 2 weeks. They do make a nice collection of 20s civvies.

  3. All wonderful but Yorick has to be my favorite!

    1. He reminds me of the Yorkshire Ripper, who was also a gravedigger... I had a good game with the wonderfully named Minh Thi Phan, and she's my fave. Agatha is suitably dramatic.

    2. I dunno, he seems more trustworthy than some... like that millionaire, or that Agatha Crane, who's got "secret crazy fanatic" written all over her.

      Fantastic job on these! They've got so much character.

    3. Thanks, Allison! It's fun to come up with backstories like how the millionaire and his butler and his personal secretary go monster hunting.

  4. Stunning work! I have onöy painted 4 of my investigators

  5. great stuff, you've inspired me to badger my gaming mate to get his done to make the game look much better!

    I agree that the new version is better, full co-op is more fun that one poor soul being against the rest.

    1. It has lovely boards, it deserves painted figures.

      It is superb for solo play as well, a big plus in my book.

  6. I'm having issues finishing Wendy Adams. I can't tell if her back should match the color of the front and the apron part or if it should match the dress.

    What did you go with?

    1. I did skirt and sleeves blue, apron front purple, back and shoulders white. Hope that helps!

  7. I have been using your work for reference (hope you don't mind! Brilliant work btw!) and I just wanted to ask what you use for paints and washes? The sheer detail in these is incredible!

    1. Thank you, I'm flattered! I use a variety of acrylics. I have been using the Army Painter range which has nice washes as well.

  8. remarkable..
    and thanks for the inspiration,
    I've just started painting (nook), and while it took me 2-3 hours to add some stuff to the cultists only (which I originally thought finished a few days ago), I'm amazed that you can get such small details like the white of the eyes/dot for eyes.

    I did make each cultist more or less unique, and sigh.. one of them ended up looking like a thin santa claus :-D oh well.. Thanks again... gonna buy myself more colours tomorrow.

    1. it was supposed so say noob*

    2. Have fun painting and gaming! It’s much more satisfying than bare plastic.
