I decided to jump straight into learning how to play Aliens: Another glorious day in the Corps by starting with the full campaign. Ripley, Gorman, Vasquez, Hudson, Hicks and Frost land on LV-426. They have to search the compound for Newt, the sole surviving colonist, and escape.
The Marines disembark from the dropship and advance to the compound. |
Hudson runs a bypass to open the door... |
A lone alien is easily gunned down. |
The Marines advance deep into the compound. |
Frost finds Newt. |
Ripley tries to calm her down by waving a pulse rifle at her. |
... but then aliens drop from the ceiling and kill Ripley. |
Simultaneously, aliens pour from everywhere and destroy the Marine squad. |
So, I was making reasonable progress (somewhat burdened by Ripley suffering a 'Blinding Rage' ongoing event) when I drew a very nasty card that erupted aliens in my face. I have decided to scrap this campaign and restart... Next time I'll get better, less cinematic lighting!
The board and figures are lovely. The gameplay is a little fiddly compared to the simplicity of Space Hulk, but leans into the movie details. Replaying this, I would make better use of the motion tracking tools that allow you to preempt upcoming dangerous swarm events. I wouldn't tool up with as much body armour or helmets either.
I got some friends together later and we played a 'Bug Hunt' mission, a non-canonical gun crawl. We barely advanced 20 metres into the atmosphere processor before we got absolutely swarmed, but were able to make a fighting withdrawal to a choke point where we mercilessly exterminated the hive.
Somehow, we survived this. |