Friday, 28 February 2025

Sharkey and Worm

I got around to painting these two villains that have been in my collection for a fair while. A quick paintjob, but fitting. The GW example has a brown cloak, but as per the text:

...they overtook an old man leaning on a staff, and he was clothed in rags of grey or dirty white, and at his heels went another beggar, slouching and whining.

Friday, 21 February 2025

40K Genestealer Cult characters

I've painted a few special characters for my Genestealer Cult, the Guiding Hands.

The villain in my Five Parsecs finale, the Locus is a sort of bodyguard character. His hooded robe hides a hunch with some spinous protuberances and a tail.

Genestealer Cult locus

The Nexos is a planner and coordinator, with a very cool floating holomap. This has an easter egg- it depicts Warhammer World! I used Contrast Aethermatic Blue, and might go back and enhance the glow effects.

Genestealer Cult Nexos

Note the clawed imperial eagle

Friday, 14 February 2025

My Lamenters two-step-yellow recipe

For the last 18 months I've found myself painting Lamenters. I often get asked about my yellow technique, so I made a little tutorial.

Phobos Infiltrators


i. Remove moldlines and assemble. I glue sand etc. to the base now. I prepare and paint the backpack and head separately. 

ii. Undercoat Vallejo Bonewhite rattlecan.

iii. Paint the base.

iv. Drybrush white. I've found this subtle slapchop works well for me.

Okay, here's the real meat.

1. Contrast Ironjawz Yellow

2. SMS Umber Wash. This is an oil-based product by an Australian model paint company. I work it into all the creases...

3. ... then I clean it up with Artists White Spirit and a makeup sponge. I get rid of the worst excesses (e.g. back of the hand, shoulder pad) but it doesn't have to be pristine. That's it! Your yellow is done. No highlighting required.

4. Paint the rest of the Lamenter. The left pauldron (chequered) is hand-painted (previous tutorial); the tactical symbol on the right is a decal.

I appreciate an Australian oil wash paint is a bit niche, but I'm sure a similar product exists elsewhere. The point is that I've found a reproducible way for me to get masses of yellow done without losing my mind with edge-highlighting. I've seen nice things done with pink pre-shading, but I'm committed to this technique now. It doesn't have to be too neat; the rest of the details hide major flaws in the yellow. These figures won't win individual prizes but they're done.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Descent: Lair of the Worm

I realised I've now painted all the figures for the Descent expansion, Lair of the worm. The photos were taken at different times, hence the different backgrounds. I've done them pretty quick and loose with Speedpaints. They're good enough for a game.



Hybrid Sentinels

Fire Imps

High Mage Quellen

Reynhart the Worthy