Friday 30 June 2023

40K Lamenters

Due to reasons, I've been sucked back into the 40K galaxy. I got some push-fit assault marines as a test. I carved off the Ultramarine sigil and- further demonstrating self-loathing tendencies- painted these up as Lamenters. These new-scale marines are huge but rather nice.

I used Ironjawz Yellow Contrast and then pin-washed the panel lines with Snakebite Leather Contrast. There's no edge-highlighting- while I love the effect, it is an absolute time-suck and I'm satisfied with the final appearance. I free-handed the chapter pauldrons. It's a pain and not something I want to spend more time on.

Lamenters are an interesting chapter, successors to the Blood Angels and troubled by the Black Rage. They are melancholic, high-functioning depressives. Similar to the Salamanders, they are protective of civilians and are not as dogmatic as their peers- their sigil is a bleeding heart! My favourite aspect of them is that they are cursed by bad luck. Everything they do goes badly and has negative consequences. They are experts at doomed last stands. Perfect for my dice.

Skull-o-meter™: 6


  1. They do look nice, resistance is exhausting if you travel in the wrong circles. Since you play a lot of other sci fi rules, maybe you can have peace yet.

    1. I think Xenos Rampant is going to get a workout.

  2. Lovely work mate - thats one tough shoulderpad to hand paint too! Only ever done one myself - far easier to keep going with my Grimdark Black Templars :-)

    1. I did enough black with the Deathwatch. Some Death Company will be more than enough...

  3. The painting looks wonderful, well done, not easy with yellow.

    1. Thanks, Phil, the Contrast makes it much easier.

  4. I rather like the lamenters myself. I suppose they should have less good kit due to their bad luck, but it's hard not to take fun vehicles and such.

    1. If I had time, I'd scuff all their armour up a lot.

  5. I do love these chaps! A friend of mine also collects Lamenters, it looks like they are becoming popular :)
    Pretty cool job, please bring us more!
