I've finally painted all the figures from the 'Spreading War' expansion for Journeys in Middle-Earth, including the 'Scourges of the Wastes' villains. I used a lot of Contrast, and some of the painting was a bit of a mental slog. There was an issue with the primer being patchily hydrophobic and I had difficulty getting even coats. I placed the larger figures on MDF bases. The heroes have already been seen here.
Heroes |
The otherwise nondescript 'Soldiers' received a thin coat of Vallejo sepia.
Soldiers |
The Uruk-hai are nice beefy orcs. I didn't differentiate between all the details on their sculpts, its just browns.
Uruk-hai |
I don't like the warg-riders all vaulting the same log, but it's not the end of the world. They're wielding slings, but two of them are broken and I'm not going to repair them.
Warg riders |
I removed the flames from the top of the oliphaunt's howdah because they were starting to snap as well.
Oliphaunt |
The flames on the siege towers, however, are quite durable.
Siege towers |
I'm really happy with these beasts, the wings came out just right.
Fell beasts |
I used some Vallejo Liquid Mask to cover the Witch King's flight stand before final matt varnishing. It hasn't quite all come off despite attacking it with a stiff brush and Blutac.
Witch King |
I don't know anything about these two villains, as I have yet to encounter them in a campaign.
Lord Angon |
Eadris |
Glad to have them done.
"What is this, a siege tower for hobbits?" |
Oh, these are really interesting minis, there are some nice designs. Would love to see them in action!