Friday, 24 March 2017

Imperial Assault- Stormtrooper specialists

I finished off the last of my Imperial Assault miniatures I had sitting around. It's a bit of a slog painting white armour...

First up are the Jet Troopers. I have to say, I quite like the idea of them zipping about the battlefield, even if they will never hit anything. These troopers are based on a Disney ride! The colours are taken from the invaluable 501st Costume Reference Library.
Jet Troopers

Next, a dewback patrol. The officer has the orange pauldron and the trooper has a bendy shock rod. I think the riders are strangely anachronistic in this age of hyperspace, antigravity, and lasers. The dewbacks look rather placid but pack quite a bite.

Captain Terro

Dewback rider
 Finally, I had two more ISB infiltrators to empty out the plastic pile.
ISB Infiltrators
I'm looking forward to the next wave of releases in a few months!


  1. These are just brilliant, but the jet troopers are awesome!

  2. Stunning stuff, just like all your other Challenge entries!

  3. They all look great Barks. Really like the ISB infiltrators.

    1. Thanks, Simon- I found I dislike painting shiny black armour as much as shiny white armour!

  4. Those infiltrators are super cool characters! Flying Stormtroopers are fun too, I like their distinctive yet instantly recognizable colour scheme, and the little nozzles which remind me of Boba Fett's jet pack.

    One could ask why, with repulsor tech available, jet packs would be used at all, but of course the answer is "they're cooler" :D

    1. I'm not a fan of variations on the classic white scheme, but the monotone works for me.

      And 'because it's cool' answers a lot in the Star Wars galaxy.

  5. They look splendid Barks! All the armor looks grand, but the ISB infiltrators are especially cool. And I love the photography -- the jump troopers and the tiles as background. What a great idea!

    1. Thanks, Matt! The tiles are a very simple trick up my sleeve.
