Friday 20 September 2024

40K Lamenters: Sternguard Veterans

These are veteran First Company Lamenters, marked by their white helms and kneepads, loincloths, and a decent amount of individual personalised equipment. Sternguard have access to combiweapons.

Sternguard Veterans

The sergeant has a black stripe on his helmet to denote his rank. The tilting plate/ ecranche has a decal from Impatient Tabletop.

Sternguard Veteran Sergeant with combi-bolter-meltagun.

Sternguard Veteran with combi-bolter-plasmagun.

Sternguard Veteran with bolt rifle.

Sternguard Veteran with heavy bolter.

Sternguard Veteran with bolt rifle.

I'm getting much better at freehanding the chequers and chapter icon!

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