Saturday 20 July 2019

One giant leap

I have been geeking out recently about the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. I have always been fascinated by space travel and exploration, and the work of these pioneers still moves me.

'Tough and competent'
-Gene Kranz

I treated myself to a Lego Lunar Module, which I built with the Skirt Swisher:

I've really enjoyed the BBC World Service podcast 13 Minutes to the moon. I can also highly recommend the documentary In the shadow of the moon, about the space race in general.

I've heard of the HBO series From the earth to the moon; is it any good? What about First Man?

Never change, Buzz. Never change.


  1. 50 years on the technology involved in designing, producing and even shipping that model is orders of magnitude greater than the real thing!

    1. It hurts my brain when I start to realise how much we take for granted!
