Friday 27 October 2023

40K Combat Patrol: Lamenters vs Genestealer Cult

So, I played my first game of 40K in about 25 years... We used the Combat Patrol rules, which are slightly pared down and don't require list building. Each side is competing for points over five turns, via objectives which are the 40mm MDF discs. This was a learning game for both of us, and we forgot and likely misinterpreted many special rules. I've spiced up the pics with the LensFX app.

One one side: Lamenters Space Marines. Strengths include short-range firepower and armour, weaknesses include low numbers.

Lamenters Combat Patrol

  • Terminator Captain
  • Terminator Librarian leading five Terminators
  • Five Infernus Squad Marines

Their opponents: the Genestealer cult. Lots of bodies and mobility, but squishy.

Genestealer Cult Combat Patrol

  • Magus with ten Neophyte Hybrids
  • Ten Neophyte Hybrids
  • Five Aberrants
  • Five Acolyte Hybrids
  • Rockgrinder truck
The forces meet across a ruined mining facility.

The Cult dominate a rocky outcrop and prepare
to advance on both flanks

Merely six Astartes face down the xenos foe.

The Neophytes seize a ruin as the Rockgrinder rumbles forward

The Infernus Squad take an objective

Heavy Stubber fire ricochets off the tough Terminator plate

"Purge with flame!"

Terminators teleport in, but the Rockgrinder withstands
the ambush

However, the Captain leads a charge and the vehicle is torn
apart by powerfists.

The resulting explosion kills a Terminator
and wounds the Captain

The Astartes destroy the remaining hybrids.

The Aberrants seize the opportunity to tear down
the wounded captain.

The marines get their revenge.

A doomed counter-charge.

Behind us! More hybrids emerge from the shadows
and threaten the Astartes' rear.

The pyreblasters eradicate one threat.

The Terminators about-face to eliminate the other.

The Magus desperately leads her troop off the hill
to seize an objective as the marines are distracted.

But the Terminators' firepower is devastating

A charge finishes off the Cult.

A victory for the Lamenters, but they did lose their Captain. The cult will rise up again!

The rules were... fine. Nothing innovative, but they appear to be a streamlined improvement over previous editions. They behaved as expected, and I'm glad they're free. I struggled with all the special rules and multiple weapon types. Bigger games will be very bloody and complex.

The 'buckets of dice and then nothing happens' critique of 40K is reasonable, but as a player-participant it is quite fun. Sometimes it does all swing on a D6.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ops spelling error in first post.

    Excellent AAR and fantastic 40k eye candy.
    Sold on all my 40k stuff years ago but I am soooo tempted to buy
    some of the new miniatures, your blog is not helping me resit 😁

  3. Hmm, first outing for the Cult a tough one. Hopefully they can make more members and reappear in the future.

  4. I of course love it all about this post. I haven't tried the Combat Patrol rules, but I think I can figure something out judging by what you say. Anyway, the important thing is that you had a good time and any excuse is a good excuse to have those minis on a game!!

  5. Very nice! Love the report. Silly question (and I'm too lazy to do the research), but what is the difference between Kill Team and Combat Patrol? Also, what are you using for your visual effects?

    1. Happy to help: Kill Team is its own rule set; elite squad vs elite squad; each soldier is a unit; alternating model activation. Combat Patrol is a pared-down 40K small points value game.

      I use the LensFX app.
